
Free Online Christmas Guided Tour in Russia, Iceland, Romania and France!

Free Online Christmas Guided Tour in Russia, Iceland, Romania and France!

–When you can’t travel the world, let the world come to you– If the lockdown has forced us to temporarily suspend our “live” activities with TheWaysBeyond, we definitely do not sit back waiting for Spring! And if we are writing a little less at the moment, it is simply because we are focusing on new […]

Street Art at the Top (of Ménilmontant)

Street Art at the Top (of Ménilmontant)

Do you know that 20ème arrondissement is a very important arrondissement in Paris in terms of street art ? Different from the 13eme arrondissement where the richness of the street art is driven by a local political strategy, the street art scene in the 20ème is purely created by local artists and it has been […]

Jardin de la Nouvelle-France, a Hidden Peace Haven along the Champs-Élysées

Jardin de la Nouvelle-France, a Hidden Peace Haven along the Champs-Élysées

Although you may pass it by many times without noticing it, we warmly invite you to have look when you’re around at this little peace haven, perfectly hidden and discrete behind the Grand Palais. Located on the edge of Cours la Reine, the Jardin de la Nouvelle France was created in the 17th century by […]

Belleville Opens the Doors of its Artists’ Studios

Belleville Opens the Doors of its Artists’ Studios

Last weekend was also the occasion for us to have a cultural stroll around our neighbourhood. The association Les Ateliers d’Artistes de Belleville organised an open door weekend of about 85 different artists’ studios! For a lack of time, we decided to only visit the ones around our home. Still, that meant already a bit […]

Around Ménilmontant – Tips & Treats

Around Ménilmontant – Tips & Treats

As mentioned in my previous post, the idea of this new blog is a.o. to share with you some bits of our lives, but also information about Paris and some advice based on our experience of the city. But when it comes to advising, what could we better talk about than our own neighbourhood? 😉 […]

Brussels + Beijing = Paris

Brussels + Beijing = Paris

When Nikki and I met a few years ago, and after starting to dig through Paris’s secrets and discovering what’s going on outside the périphérique, we soon started a blog, which we called “Brussels Beijing Paris”, after the cities we were from and the one we met and live in. We wanted to relate our […]

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